Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Do games similar to Madden and Age of Empires look better on widescreen monitors?

I'm thinking of getting a widescreen monitor, but I wanna craft sure that games use the full screen space, and don't wad the sides with white or black bar. Does anyone have a widescreen monitor? How do games look on them?



Hm. Widescreen surrounded by games is still tricky. Go here: ( ) and see if the games you want to play have a original widescreen mode. If they don't then you will any have to suffer near a distorted aspect ratio (16x10 instead of 4x3 so everything will be stretched horizontally) or black bars on the sides, or even black bar all around, depending on your video card.
Computer games look best on computer monitors.

Your computer resolution is plausible better than even HDTV.

a set top game near HD output is best.

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