Friday, September 17, 2010

Do ordinary and Widescreen monitors measeure the dimensions like peas in a pod?

I know monitors dimensions (i.e 17") are determine diagonally, and do not always determine the exact veiwing area.

Would this imply a 17" widescreen monitor would then be smaller quantity tall than a 17"? or does it save the same distance from the ground and just become wider it (so it wouldnt exactrly measure diagonally)


the height on both standard and widescreen monitors is on the diagonal of actual screen space (the bezel is excluded). So you're right, a 17" widescreen is smaller amount tall than a 17" standard.

A 17" standard LCD monitor resolution is usually 1280 x 1024

A 17" widescreen monitor resolution is usually 1440 x 900
Yes - They are measured like peas in a pod

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