I of late switched to an lcd monitor for my computer and sometimes, certain colors silver to these red spots, mostly on pictures. Also, if you minimize the picture or if the picture is big enough to scroll down and product the image disappear from the blind then bring it posterior up, the red dots will be gone.
You can try doing a factory reset of the monitor to see if that will work. You would find that by pressing some of the buttons that the LCD has and finding your road to that option. If that doesn't work, check the video settings lower than the Display Properties window. If you don't find anything, check for updates for your display drivers. You would own to open up the System Properties window by right-clicking on My Computer in the desktop and clicking Properties OR hitting the Windows Logo push button + Pause, then directing yourself to the Hardware tab and clicking on Device Manager. When it open up expand the option by clicking the plus sign subsequent to Display Adapters and right-click on the name of your video card that comes up and click on Properties. Go to the Driver tab and try to find an update for the driver interpretation and download and install it. And finally if that doesn't work, then you may own a defective monitor and I suggest you return it and get yourself a tentative one! Sorry for the long answer; I hope this helps any!
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