Friday, September 17, 2010

Do you imagine contained by a couple of years they will invent computers that are resembling flat eyeshade TVs and the tower will?

be little chips built contained by the flat screen beside no mouse no keyboard and adjectives done by your voice are they working on this because when it comes out our computers now will be resembling the old am radios.


In 20 years a computer will be the size of an Ipod and the eyeshade will just be projected onto a wall or a hologram. The central obstacle to this projection in a minute is voice recognition.
They are other thinking of something new, so i feel they will.
They already have tablet PCs that operate resembling that. The problem is that keyboards are a more efficient text-entry instrument than handwriting. Voice recognition have come a long way within the last 10 years, but it still wants to progress before it get to the point where it's a reliable information entry mechanism.

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