Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Does anyone know when apple will announce investigational IPODS?


it is rumored that they will release a unusual one around the holidays maybe sometimes after thanksgiving some ancestors say it going to look approaching the ipod out now but the entire front piece of the iPod is going to be a screen next to a virtual click wheel and it will relate what song your about to listen to
When those actually crawl up the 40 gig ones, they're release 200 gigs.
Don't seize me started on the Ipods...

What's up with those I pods?

The ipod.

Ipod mini

Ipod shuffle

Ipod photo

Ipod mini 2nd colleagues

Ipod nano

Ipod video.

Ahh we'll just go the same tech package differently... you need another?
Probably around the holiday season. I was on a site and it showed how the ipod beside the entire front was purely something someone made with photoshop. The post be saying adjectives types of things I never noticed be there. Anyways, not a soul is really sure, just rumors and hoaxes.

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