Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Does anyone know how to hook up a 2nd monitor to your computer? I enjoy the correct wires, etc ...?

using Windows XP ....


Your computer must hold the following

if you want to use 2 monitors at once the Graphics card MUST i repeat MUST have 2 output connections. If it doesn't any get a card that does or in recent times put up with using the 1 monitor. the easiest mode to find this out is to take a look at the put money on of the box. If the card has one 15 pin socket and one multi pin socket it should be ok. You the own to install the second monitor and if using windows travel to display properties. you should the go to the settings tab and disappeared click on it. You should see 2 monitors and if this is the case vanished click on monitor 1 then find the box imperfect extend my windows desktop onto this monitor and chek (tick) it, after left click on apply surrounded by the bottom right corner. this should enable you to use both monitors as 1 big monitor.
You will inevitability another graphics card which has a VGA port so that you can connect the monitor.
You any need two graphics card or one card beside two ports that supports dual monitors.
If you have a Matrox Graphics card, it have dual output so you can do this easily, or you can buy another graphics card.
Check the following

1) http://www.ehow.com/how_13829_connect-tw...


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