Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Do adjectives VGA monitor cable support adjectives resolutions?

I'm trying to hook up my Phillips 30" lcd to a laptop to scrutinize rugby videos, but the cord I bought at the store say it is designed to work with 17" or smaller. I'm not too picky, but in that are a ton of cables online that are cheaper than the one I bought, so if I can return with a better cable for less money, I would without a doubt like to.


yes iknow that it is a standard 15 pins cord for adjectives vga/svga cable but if youre asking for the resolution it all depends on what character of monitors you have some hold 1600x1200 but most of all enjoy 1200 x800
As far as I know, they all hold exactly the same number and configuration of wires, so it should not engender a difference.

I deal beside the hardware enough I am not a rookie at it, but if someone tells me I am wrong I am not going to be upset.

I am next to Dio, Try the cable you got and see if it works, if the plugs fit, it should. If the plug does not fit, lug the manual for the monitor, the laptop and the cable to the store and ask for another one.

This is the first time I hold heard just about a size restriction on a cable and it does not make sense to me any.

Depending on models and connections, you may be able to see the desktop on the monitor, but not the movies. (some laptops don't show those on the Svideo connetor).

Happy viewing!
i'm not sure roughly that but i've never encountered such prob where on earth a cable only supports 17" monitors and not the bigger ones and i've work on seriously of computers. if your laptop and lcd has s-video freshly buy an s-video cable

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